TV3 (NZ) | 30 min
The GC follows the lives of a group of talented and attractive young Maori as they work hard and play even harder in Australia’s favourite playground, the glittering Gold Coast.Źródło: nieznane
Talented and ambitious, the GC cast are chasing the good life on the Gold Coast. Some live together, some work together but they all play together.
This series offers a fascinating insight into the lives of nine young and successful Maori.
And they’re not alone.
Nearly 130,000 Maori now call Australia home and it is estimated as many as one in six Maori now live in Australia.
Every year thousands of Maori are drawn to the glamour and good life that the Gold Coast offers them.
And it’s not hard to see why. The warm climate, big paying jobs and cheaper living lures them there, and keeps them there.
The GC is where Australia comes to play and party. The famed Surfer’s Paradise strip is lined with high rise apartments and hotels, and crowded with clubs and bars.
It’s hugely competitive and young Maori are striving to reach the top.
They’re known as Mozzies – Maori Aussies – and they are grabbing the opportunities and living life to the full.
It asks what does it mean to be Maori on the Gold Coast as they chase the dream of a better life.
For the boys of the Whare it means playing hard in a town full of resort rich night life, but also investing in that town.
(Source: TV3)