I'm working on...

Slav King


Slav King is a 2D platformer game written in Python using the Pygame library. You play as a Russian roaming the streets of Eastern Europe, wreaking havoc and evading the authorities. You make money through a life of crime and invest in your criminal empire to facilitate your nefarious businesses. 

To play, follow the download & installation instructions on the GitHub repository.

Dampol Website


This is a website written in Svelte for a local Polish container manufacturer called Dampol Investment sp. z o. o. based in Czekanów, Silesia. The website contains a model showcase, and serves as an order page and medium of contact for clients. Dampol Website was contracted as a result of the lack of prices and other essential information shown on the original company webpage (https://dampol-pawilony.com).

Link to GitHub repository: https://github.com/kguzek/dampol-website

LiveSeries Legacy


LiveSeries Legacy is a desktop application which facilitates searching, browsing, and saving popular TV shows. Track watched episodes, and automatically download unwatched episodes from your subscriptions list.

The functionality of this application has been superseded by LiveSeries (without the "Legacy").

The new application is available on this website. Click the LiveSeries tab at the top of the page to find out more.

Visit the all-new LiveSeries web interface: https://www.guzek.uk/liveseries

For more information and installation instructions, visit the GitHub repository.

That's not all!

There's plenty more where those came from.

If you'd like to collaborate or contribute to any of my repositories, please reach out.

I'm also open to work, so if you have a project you'd like to see come to life you can email me for a quote.