NBC (US) | 30 min
The show was about a young woman living in New York City, named Molly Dodd (played by Blair Brown). Created by Jay Tarses (Buffalo Bill, The Bob Newhart show) with a great supporting cast: David Strathairn, Victor Garber, Nathan Lane, etc. Aired as a summer series in four 13-episode seasons on NBC (they liked the show but it was different enough that they had trouble finding a spot for it in the main season schedule, hence the summer runtime). After NBC cancelled it, Lifetime picked it up for one season in 1991. The show has been described as ahead of its time and influencing many of the classic sitcoms produced later in the '90's. The series has not been rerun on cable or released on DVD (reason usually guessed is the expense of clearing music rights, a common occurence with many shows produced during the '80' and '90's).Źródło: nieznane