A&E (US) | 30 min
American Hoggers follows former Texas Ranger and legendary hog hunter Jerry Campbell, 64, his level-headed son, Robert, 28, and firecracker daughter, Krystal, 23, as they respond to those threatened by feral hogs. Located in the heart of Texas, the family dedicates itself to the front lines - riding horseback, driving a custom-rigged Jeep, using highly trained dogs with GPS tracking systems and employing good old-fashioned know-how to help those endangered by these destructive beasts. Clad in chaps and cowboy boots, the family sets out in each episode to square off against these extremely intelligent animals that are terrorizing helpless landowners.Źródło: nieznane
Half of the wild boar population in America lives on the Texas countryside. Their populations are growing exponentially into the millions, and they're tearing up ranchland, feasting on valuable crops and maiming or even killing livestock. They have insatiable appetites, violent temperaments and can grow up to 400 pounds. Feral hogs have caused over $50 million per year in damage to the state of Texas alone. Farms have had to shut down and families have been left scared to step outside their own homes. (Source: A&E)