Disney Channel debuted three new 90-second shorts during an airing of Up on March 22, 2013. The three shorts are named Hiccups, Bugged and Spinning, and were classified under the new denomination, "Tales from Radiator Springs". All three are directed by Jeremy Lasky and produced by Mary Alice Drumm. They are the first Cars Toons not to revolve around Mater. Two new Cars Toons episodes called The Radiator Springs 500½ and To Protect and Serve were announced at D23 Expo 2013 and set for a release in 2014 on Disney Channel. In March 2014, it was announced The Radiator Springs 500½ would be released in Spring 2014, in the Tales from Radiator Springs series, while a second short is set for 2015.[4] The Radiator Springs 500½ premiered on Disney Movies Anywhere on May 20, 2014 (Source: pixar.wikia.com)Source: unknown