Science (US) | 60 min
MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created by Peter Rees and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The series is transmitted by numerous international broadcasters, including SBS Australia (New episodes, repeat episodes show on 7mate Australia), and other Discovery channels worldwide. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories. The show is one of the oldest—and the most popular—on Discovery Channel currently in production, being preceded only by How It's Made and Daily Planet, both in Canada. Since 2006, the show has been overseen by British show-runner Dan Tapster, working out of Sydney, San Francisco and Manchester.Source:
Filming is based in San Francisco, and editing is done exclusively in Artarmon, Australia. Planning and some experimentation take place at Hyneman's workshops in San Francisco; experiments requiring more space or special accommodations are filmed on location, typically around the San Francisco Bay Area and other locations in northern California, going to other states or even countries on occasion when required.