Global (CA) | 30 min
"Love Handles" is a Canadian game show produced by Blair Murdoch from 1996 to 1998 on Global TV. The host was Stu Jeffries. The show can be considered as a Canadian version of the United States show "The Newlywed Game". Three teams of married couples or mates competed, including occasional same-sex couples. Like many of Murdoch's shows, "Love Handles" was taped at CKVU-TV in Vancouver, British Columbia.Source: unknown
Round 1 One member of each team went offstage. The others would go up to the answer podium. Stu would ask a question. The first player to buzz in would answer first, then the others would answer. Three questions were asked. When the partners returned, they had to match answers. Each match was worth five points. If the player who rang in first got a match, an additional seven points were added. Round 2 This round is almost exactly the same as the first, except that partners switched places. (Source: